for thought
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A Mexican 'Lasagna'
09th Jan, 2012, by Drina Cabral
I know what you're thinking.. "How the hell can the words mexican and lasagna be incorporated in the same sentence?" and now you must also be thinking I am still suffering from a New Years hangover; either that or I have completely lost it. This year one of my many resolutions is to try new things, things that may have amazed me or things that have never been heard of, even if it means testing on a few friends and poisoning a few others in the process. This breakfast lasagna was one such undertaking and I had invited my friend over to come and try out my so-called dish. When I spoke to her I was quite confident that I knew what I was doing and that there was nothing to worry about. Haha.. I think my brain was playing an April Fool's joke on me a little too early... When I came back home.. even I gasped at my outrageous idea..."Mexican Lasagne ?!??" Now you're asking.. why on earth would I choose to make something bizzare? Well, have you guys heard of VeryGoodRecipes; no they aren't responsible for my insanity; they are however home to over 10000 food blogs from all around the world; all this organized by Stéphane Gigandet, making the food blogging world a little smaller than yesterday. Initially he used to host a competition every month on the french version of this site and fortunately for english speakers, he is now expanding his reach to the non-french speaking community. This competition is over-looked by 10 judges picked by Stéphane every month and yours truly is a participating judge for this month :) Us judges were asked to come up with a suitable theme and all of us seemed to veer towards the idea of Breakfasts; the start to a day, a start to a year. But what's a competition without excitement; so we decided to spice it up with a few twists and criteria's to allow everyones creative juices flowing. Here are links to all other participating judges sites, each one of us were asked to put up a sample and hence the reason for my post, so go on and poke around: In order to participate, here's what you need to do. "Breakfasts around the world" is the theme to come up with your culinary experiments or masterpieces. Depending on location, cultures and tastes, people indulge in various types of breakfasts; the vietnamese breakfast is a light years difference from the columbian breakfast which is a light years difference to the African breakfast; all unique, each outstanding in their own way. To Participate, all you have to do is cook up a breakfast dish, one that you found intriguing, one that may be native to you, or one that is completely foreign to you; WITH possibly a small twist of your own, something that says this is yours. Your dish can be sweet or savory. Please submit only one dish, not the whole breakfast buffet. For more information on how to participate, head down to the Breakfast Challenge page. Get creative and get cooking! Good Luck The Rules:
  • There must be at least one picture in your recipe, and both the recipe and picture need to be your own. If your recipe is inspired by another, please mention it in your recipe.
  • You cannot use an already published recipe to participate in the challenge, you need to publish a new recipe (otherwise there's no challenge!)
  • We would love to have participations from all around the world, including from blogs in languages other than English. Please do include an English translation of your recipe in your post though. :-) If you need help with the translation (proofreading etc.), we will be glad to help if we can.
  • You can participate with only one recipe.
You can participate from Monday January 9th 2012 until Monday January 30th included. Now as a sample.. I concocted the "Mexican-Breakfast Lasagne" The staples of a mexican breakfast include corn, tortillas, eggs, chorizo, salsa, cheese amongst a whole lot of things; a lot of things I absolutely LOVE to be honest. So figuring out what to do for this competition wasn't much of a problem. I definitely didn't want to present all of this as individual accompaniments to a big mexican breakfast platter, I wanted to do something different; I thought it would be interesting to pack it into a Lasagne... how I was going to do it I wasn't sure. After having returned with groceries... ideas began to flow. I started with preparing my béchamel substitute; a mixture of eggs cream and cheese. The Salsa sauce was a great substitute for the red tomato sauce and of course the tortilla's were a perfect stand in for the lasagna noodles. Did it look like a lasagna - oh yes it did! Did it smell delicious - more yummy than most of my other experiments... Now you're asking.. "well was it edible" and I have got to boast.. Good Lord it was packed with flavor, so much so I can assure you will be drooling with every bite. And another twist... unlike most meaty mexican cuisine, everything in this dish was prepared to suite my vegetarian friend... actually one of the most tolerant vegetarians you'll find, cause this darling allowed me to sneak a couple slices of chorizo to feed my carnivore appetite. Hope you enjoy my recipe, definitely worth a try I believe and I wish you all the luck for the competition. P.S: To participate (Additionally), please link all submissions in your comments to this post. Good Luck everyone and wish you all a wonderful 2012! [gmc_recipe 1257] Enjoy! Eaternally Yours, Drina C.