for thought
07th Dec, 2014
With Christmas around the corner, every house has hints of…
30th Nov, 2014
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30th Oct, 2014
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Cinnamon Rolls
07th Dec, 2014, by Drina Cabral
With Christmas around the corner, every house has hints of cinnamon, nutmeg and citrus aromas floating in the air. Cinnamon rolls are one of those delicacies that are a festive, yet casual snack that costs barely anything and explodes a celebration in your mouth. Cinnamon’s fragrant, sweet, warm taste is perfect for the winter months and a good accompaniment to these cinnamon rolls with a Mediterranean twist. These rolls are generously dusted with cinnamon, lathered with date honey for that mediterranean flavour, stuffed with a heavy sprinkle of spiced nuts and soft cane sugar. Cinnamon not only tastes and smells great, but has immaculate health benefits. Did you know that seasoning a high carb food with cinnamon can help lessen its impact on your blood sugar levels? Cinnamon slows the rate at which the stomach empties after meals, reducing the rise in blood sugar after eating. ­­In the past, cinnamon has been used medically for colds, coughs, toothaches and much more. Today cinnamon is also used in the treatment of type II diabetes and insulin resistance. Try these Cinnamon rolls at home and bring in those festive fragrances. These palm sized treats are a great way to both start and end your day; enjoy them for either breakfast or dessert with a dollop of ice cream! Eaternally Yours, Drina C.   [yumprint-recipe id='2']